Tell Me Three (3) Things

Tell Me Three Things by Julie Buxbaum

A cute story about a young teen girl trying to navigate life in a new school and figure out who her mysterious new lifeline is, by the name of Somebody Nobody (SN).

Whew! Work has been kicking my butt lately. There is literally nothing worse than being a perfectionist during inspection week! I’m going to keep this review short and sweet–just like this book!

Most of the time, I find myself stuck in my usual rut of reading all the fantasy fiction genre I can get my hands on (see ACOFAS). Don’t get me wrong here, I love a good fantasy book, but these cutesy, feel-good types are just as awesome.

With this book, I will admit that I figured out who SN was about halfway through so it was a little predictable in that sense. However, I kind of equate this book to all the classic Hallmark Christmas specials – you KNOW the gist of what’s going to happen, but it’s the stuff in the middle that keeps you watching.

The text-talk of this book makes it an easy read and though the female character was a bit of a complainer, to me at least, it was somewhat relatable. I remember my high school days and I could make several parallels between my world and hers.

Although SN’s identity was fairly predictable, I still loved the journey. If you’re looking for a surprising novel, something that will keep you on your toes–this isn’t it folks. I would pick up 180 Seconds for that, but if you want something easy to read, to make you smile, and a cute way to pass the time-this is the book for you.

Happy reading!

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